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Profile Builder Pro User Listing Filter by multiple meta key values


think the best approach is to do this based on the current page, so for this to work (and not affect more than 1 Userlisting) this will need to be the only Userlisting on the current page.

If that’s alright, please take note of the page slug and add the following code to your website:

[php]add_filter(‚wppb_userlisting_user_query_args‘, ‚wppbc_custom_meta_query_ul_filtering‘);
function wppbc_custom_meta_query_ul_filtering($args) {
if (!is_page(‚your-page-slug‘)) return $args;

$args[‚meta_query‘][3][] = array(
‚key‘ => ‚global_messeteilnahmen‘,
‚compare‘ => ‚EXISTS‘,

return $args;

On the 3rd line, replace `your-page-slug` with the slug of your page and afterwards this should work as you want it. You should also remove the meta_key and meta_value parameters from the shortcode:

[php][wppb-list-users name=“ausstellerliste-2018″ meta_key=“global_messeteilnahmen“ meta_value=“best_ibk_2018″][/php]

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